Saturday, April 2, 2011
Spending Quality Time with my Charlie
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
That's right...We're tight...
Friday, January 7, 2011
Lacy Not Gasping...
Ha ha, Lace. I love the picture of you on my collage, but just incase you want me to have your actual family photo, too, here ya go.
Family Photos Sept. 2009
A year and a half ago, we had a photo session. Did I bother to share these with you. Actually, I guess I did put some of them on '09 Christmas cards that we sent out to our lovely family and friends. Yet somehow I never posted them to my blog.
Lacy, Jason and Luke came for a visit, so we all gathered together for a family reunion up by Bridal Veil Falls (Provo Canyon). It was a wonderful day, with lots of fun and games and crazy antics. I will never forget Tim wading into the rushing Provo river, looking up at my concerned face while he was being swept away, and loudly confessing, "It... just...felt... right." What a nut.
Jade and Tim's friend Jared took the pictures for us. My collage is an assortment of what he did. He is an exceptional photographer, and I hope to catch him again very soon. We'll all be gathered once more for JB's mission farewell for about two days. Hopefully Jared's available...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Resolved to have a Happy Blogging New Year!
(: P.S. Mrs. Lacy broke into my new year's blogging draft and left me the following note which I've highlighted in blue. I'm afraid it complicated my writer's block. I couldn't figure out how to transition.... So this is from my once other self, otherwise known as Lacy.....OH! I'm SOOOO EXCITED that you're going to be blogging again too!! I hope you get on it soon ;) --Lacy
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Grandma, Aunt Doris, and Aunt Virginia...My Lovelies
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"I hate burns." That's what I said on the way to the hospital. Interestingly enough, many others have repeated the same sentiment to me word for word over the last several weeks. Of course it's a given that everyone hates burns; sort of how we pretty much agree on crocodile bites, falling to the ground from twenty stories, or drowning. Still, to hear so many people say it so simply, emphatically, and with such empathy was a balm to my own singed fear. "I hate burns."
I know this is a heck of a place to start blogging again, but I told you all I would post pictures so here they are. I wish I knew how to post without collaging. I just can't figure out how Lacy could get so many pictures at once. Needless to say, or perhaps as I have already said to you personally, this was our frightening event for the year. I guess what I have to be thankful for is that JB has a lot of cheerful fortitude. It was because of him that we all shared some good laughs during the ordeal. I'm fairly certain that he has no nerve endings and therefore feels no pain.