Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alright, Alright...Gimme a Break...Tort

What I am doing is waking up at 3:00 in the morning because I can't sleep and then trying to take a nap whenever I can find my bed during the day because I haven't slept. Why can I sleep at noon but not at night? I don't know. I don't get it. Apparently it has something to do with turtles...or at least Tort. I went on a lovely two day trip for my anniversary and didn't have a bit of trouble sleeping. I guess because Tort stayed home. I got home on Monday and then woke up that night and worried about Tort being moved into the house. Where did Charlie put him? Is he on my carpet somewhere? Does he have a cage of some kind...I don't think so....I need to get him something. What about his food? None of that makes a bit of difference at noon but let me tell you at 3 AM, the troubles of Tort are paramount. Unfortunately I can't actually sleep at noon either because I have to work or go visiting teaching or homeschool Charlie or run north to help Jade...or something, something. So I find my bed again about 11 pm and 3 am hits again. Does Tort have any water? How do you water a Turtle in the house? What a mess it's going to make. How many days can a turtle go without water? I bet Missouri turtles need more water than our desert variety. All that water and humidity. Do we have a desert variety? I don't think so.


BJ Scott said...

I feel your pain, that is why I have been known to get up at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. or sometimes from midnight to 3 a.m. and read my blogs and update a blog or two. I know it's crazy, but sometimes afterwards I can sleep. It's like my brain is able to disconnect after I am sure all my little chickies are ok.

Okay, so we're weird.

Love ya Sista

Aidenator said...'s okay...i'm up at 1-2, 4-5, and maybe you should give me a call sometime...i'm sure i'd be able to talk...i'm so glad you posted!

BJ Scott said...

Check out Renee's blog... she is all over the posting.

Aidenator said...

And, once again, Mom finds her busy life much more important than posting on her blog...i mean, how could she...hee hee...

BJ Scott said...

Alright... gimme a break... you said you would have time for blogging now that Jadie is hitched... I miss you, where is your blog? Gimme, Gimme... no really, I do miss you and love your blogs. You always make me smile... so I hate when I have to go forever in between. I love your written word, you're so clever... so gimme, gimme.

Aidenator said...
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Aidenator said...

I'm totally with kim on this one...'Gimme, Gimme...I need, I need...' What could you possibly be doing that is more important than this...seriously...

Aidenator said...

hmm...i don't think i'm going to check anymore...

*The Ranagan's* said...


Aidenator said...


*The Ranagan's* said...

ok this is just getting RIDICULOUS!

*The Ranagan's* said...

You do realize it has been 2 MONTHS TODAY since you last posted!!! MY FAMILY HAS DROPPED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH

Aidenator said...

i am so bored with this whole thing...everytime i check your blog, it says the same thing...i'm so bored with the turtle...i can't take it anymore!