Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So I was Wondering...

How many times do you think I can get away with posting without actually putting pictures up on my blog? I've had a mishap with my new, dear friend.... otherwise known as "my digital Camera"... It's lost. I don't even think it's my fault this time. I always hate it when something is lost around my place. First I do a little cursory search and come up with a big fat zero, zip, nada, black hole...then I start slinging the accusations...Where did my "whatnot" go? I had it right here. Charlie, you were dancing on it yesterday...or JB I saw you smuggle it upstairs under your xbox...or you know..DeDe, Delila, Tweedle Dee, you surely...surely you were using the flat iron on it...Right? (I'd call Lacy and Jade too, but I don't think I could make as strong a case against them.) Then it happens...they've all figured me out..."No, mom. It wasn't me. Maybe YOU LEFT IT somewhere..."

Maybe. OH...I hate that. They can blame me because, you know, maybe I did leave it somewhere. I do have this uncanny knack. It has something to do with neurons not jumping the right synapses in my brain...or something. I just don't know for sure, but I'm still wondering....And then somehow I find the ol' whatnot....right where I left it. So I ask myself: Did I do that...or did someone just put it back a second ago?

Have you every seen Conspiracy Theory. That's a good movie....edited. I'm just sayin'...

NOT THIS TIME THOUGH, Big Guy. I know I didn't have my camera last.

I'm pretty sure...

UPDATE...I'm not joking...Joey just found my camera in my closet on one of his belt hooks...I have no Idea. Really. I don't. I'm thinking it was the kids...or Crowden.


Unknown said...

hahahaha. Aunt Wendy, even without pictures...this is the most classic "You" post you've had so far. I was laughing so hard while I was reading it, remembering all the good times. Man I miss you guys! I cannot wait to see you in Oct!

BJ Scott said...

this was hilarious and oh so true and a little sad. It happens to me all the time too. They tell me I'm crazy... I just think they're playin' with me... cuz they think it is soooo funny the make me crazy... I am so not kiddin'! Loved this and love you. Can't wait to see you!

BJ Scott said...

ps... I am writing you from Brent's dad's place. We have had a great time... I will have to update a few of our lake pictures... good times... yeah for vacations!

BJ Scott said...

pss... It is really 6:23 a.m. not 4:23 a.m.... that sounds so much saner don't cha think?

Bowen Banter said...

Woo Hoo... I'm blogging now too! Well actually Kimberly is... but she got me set up.

Love you!

BJ Scott said...

oh where oh where has my sister gone, oh where oh where can she be... planning a wedding? Maybe, very likely in fact, but I sure miss hearing from you. I will try to give you a call, or you can call me. I sure wish you were here with our girls. Another time though.

Love you to pieces,

Aidenator said...

okay...now this is just rediculous...

Aidenator said...

MOM!!!!!!! I want to know what's going on in your life...c'mon...you don't even have to post pictures...i'd like pictures, but i don't want to be to pushy....