Friday, April 11, 2008

My Fortune Cookie...

(This picture is a repeat, but I thought it was kind of appropriate.)
So yesterday was a rough day for me as I'm sure my sisters also experienced. I asked Joey to take me out to do something when he got home, just so I could mark Mom's birthday in some way. Uncle Al called me, and I was so touched by his call. I didn't get to sound very friendly to him because I was sure that I would start crying. Almost instantly when I hung up from talking to him, my R.S. president called to see if I had any plans for the night. I think she was looking for someone to feed the missionaries, but we didn't actually get that far in our conversation. Unfortunately, I kind of fell apart. Great timing. I was so embarrassed.

Then an even more random thing happened. About two seconds before Joey walked in the door, I started listening to a message from our Scout Master. Take my advice... Don't ever do that. I thought this was too crazy.

He said, "Brother Ellison, I was just wondering if you could go to Round Table for me tonight. It's my birthday today and I wanted to go see my mom but there was (some kind of important information they were going to announce tonight). Would you mind going for me, because I don't think I can make it. I'll just plan on you going if I don't hear back." This from the guy who doesn't miss meetings and even scheduled a meeting on General Conference Sunday. (I didn't think that was done; is nothing sacred?!) As Joey walked in, I gave him the look. He said, "What? I don't have anything tonight." I shook my head and said, "Just wait till you hear this."

Joey thinks Scout Master is the hardest calling in the church, no holds barred. (You have my permission to debate it with him. He's not much of a debater, so you might win.) We decided he'd go to opening exercises to get the information for Brother Settle. Afterwards, we drove up to Provo and walked around the mall for the twenty minutes before it closed. Then we drove home. Woohoo. At least we were together.

Yesterday was one of those Murphy's law kind of days, and I was not particularly in the mood for it in the first place. Today I was much happier which is typical after a sad day. I took JB to physical therapy because he hurt his back in weight lifting. He always makes me laugh. He insisted that I take him out for Chinese food before dropping him back at school. I tried to deny, but he assured me that he would jerk the steering wheel into China Town's parking lot. Like he'd dare. We really enjoyed ourselves. His fortune cookie said something about him being nothing more than full of ideas. He said just when he starts feeling good about himself he goes to a chinese restaurant to be deflated. My fortune cookie said, "Face facts with dignity." How simple is that?...


Unknown said...

It's amazing how much comfort can be found in just "being" with your sweetie. Love you Aunt Wendy and miss you guys always!

Aidenator said...

I love it when you update...even if i've already heard the stories you tell...I love you mom! I miss you!

*The Ranagan's* said...

Yeah that sounds like a pretty typical night out on the town. Dad's good for a laugh or two so it's all worth it :D JB is pretty much on of the funniest kids I know. He would say that about a Chinese resturant. Love YA! Thanks for updating :D

BJ Scott said...

Hi Sweet Girl...
I have sure been thinking of you. I know what you mean, We just needed to be doing something with someone, especially someone we love to fill the void of visiting with momma. I sure miss her and her birthday just brought that home again. I feel like a little lost child. Funny huh... not really.

Just know that you are always loved by so many of us and we feel your pain also... In more ways than one.

Your Sista - Kimberly

Aidenator said...

hahaha! I love your comment on my blog!

*The Ranagan's* said...

Ok mom...its been a month...again!

BJ Scott said...

Hey sweet thing, I miss your posts.. I miss your face, I can't wait 'til July!!! I'm so sad today and need family around. What is Mother's Day without Mom around?

Love You,