I've been waiting to tell you all about my brand new first grandson Luke. If I keep waiting until I get all the rest of my blogging caught up then he won't be so new any more......
Introducing LUKE JASON FAAS.
"Hello World!!"
I have a confession to make. Sometimes I think of him as "my Luke", but I try really hard not to say that out loud. I really want to give credit where credit is due. He was born to Lacy and Jason on April 23, 2007 at 3:15 a.m.. Luke weighed 8lbs 14oz when he decided to join us. He came nearly one week early, and we are all very happy about that. But no one is happier about that than his mom Lacy. Imagine if he had been 9 1/2 pounds...that would be his weight if he had waited one more week, and that would not be so fun.
For example, this is a picture of Lacy and Jason on Lacy's birthday. That would be March 18. Luke still had a month to grow-- (I meant a month to go...but grow works perfectly =0)
(Lacy looked so adorable but she was very tired!)
Happy number 22 Lacy. What a year to celebrate. Lacy worked at an accounting firm called Kramer and Olsen all the way up to two days before Luke came.
While we're on the subject of Lacy's birthday, I have to mention my homemaking skill. I have so few that might be worthy of attention. I really surprised my kids when I started this one in January.Comes with the territory of being a grandma I suppose you could say. I crocheted Lace a throw afghan for her birthday that she can put on her sofa and have handy on any chilly nights up with the baby. As you can see, the big crochet hook was still in it. I hadn't quite finished. So I brought it out when she had Luke and still had some finishing touches to add. It's about half again as long as it is in the picture.
Well....On with the show...
Here we are. Grandma and Luke!I wish this one showed up better. It is Grandpa and Luke. I'll have to try and lighten it up because it is one of my favorite pictures.But just in case. Here's another cute one with Grandpa. I Love It... =0)Luke snoozes away in his carseat/stroller. For the two weeks I was there, he never fussed if he was in his stroller or in the car. Mom's favorite sedative...I just want to kiss his gooshy face all over!!!!!!!!!