Friday, June 8, 2007

A little Random....Ok, A Lot of Random

I thought of a metaphor to describe Joey the other night. It was kind of late and so maybe a bit odd.... but I think it really works. Joey wears responsibility like a lycra suit. It fits him like a second skin but is a little too binding to relax in.
Here is Mr. Lycra himself with JB. I'm not even sure why I took the picture but I guess its pretty cute so I had to add it.
....& here I am. I guess one of those times I couldn't sit down to eat....I don't know...but my closet door is opened and that really bugs me.
OK so if you haven't figured it out....That's Crowdin's eye. Don't ask. I have no idea.
So Joey brought home this perfectly nice blow snake. And then let Crowdin torture him right while our home teachers were visiting. Crowdin just barked and barked at it and the snake was all coiled up and hissing and striking at him and blowing. That was the great part....the blowing. Blow snakes expell a huge lot of air out of their bodies when they hiss. It is very intimidating and our hometeacher Bishop, President, Doctor Besendorfer pointed out to us that you could actually see the snakes whole body contract when he blew. Naturally Joey did what all real men would do. He picked Crowdin up and dropped him on the snake. The result was that the poor snake was so traumatized that we had to let it go. This is a picture of him severely mad. He is very tightly wrapped around Joey's wrist and wants to bite his face off. I'm pretty sure he won't ever like humans again....Or little barky dogs either.


Unknown said...

Oh, my goodness I miss you guys sooo much!!! I hope we can come down to see all of you for the two days we're going to be there for Josh's wedding. I'd really like to see all the stuff you've done to your house! How exciting. See, KC makes great cabinets cuz it's a great place...probably you should move here, and then you can help us with our dance studio!!'s a nice thought anyways, I love ya!

BJ Scott said...

I miss you and can't wait to see you next week. Check out our blog. I'm a little addicted...It's a fun way to stay in touch. I am trying to get Renee on board. Take care and update your site! =-) Love ya...Kimberly

*The Ranagan's* said...

Ok so I know I took forever updating my page...but things have been kinda know that! Anyways yeah this is pretty typical of you guys..I LOVE the pic of crow-crow's eye...FABULOUS!