Friday, June 8, 2007

Mr. Fix It!!

Joey has been working hard at remodeling our old home. I know he gets very tired of it, but he does such a good job. Here he is putting in our new flooring in the Dining Room. We tore out very ugly, old, sickly dark brown carpet. Underneath that was the old green linoleum squares from before the 1960's I think. This new floor looks so nice.
He finished the dining room and into the kitchen, under the pantry, and then the entire laundry room. We were only able to do a portion of the kitchen because we are remodeling it as well. We'll finish the floor after pulling out cabinets and putting in all the new ones.
Yay! We were able to put our first section of cabinets in!! They are so pretty compared to what we've had for these past 12 years. I will feel so pampered when we get this all done. I actually found these online, a company from KC Missouri. I was impressed with them after all my research and I am still impressed with the product. I put most of these cabinets together by myself...(that means they were very easy.) I couldn't have done the pantry without Joey's help though. Someday I'll have to remove the old border on the walls...but that project won't be for a while yet.
This is a close up of the pantry. I was hoping you'd be able to see the pretty grain of the maple and the chest nut glazed finish. We were able to put in our first section of cabinets where we didn't have any cabinets before. That way when we start pulling out the old ones, we still will have a little bit of storage space. I'm still not sure what we'll do about counter tops. I haven't decided. (If you want to compare these to my old cabinets, there's a little shot of them in a couple of Delila's pics with Crowdin in an earlier blog.)

1 comment:

Aidenator said...

Hey look! Your post is up! I love your cabinets. I hope I get to see them. So, I don't know what was up, but now they fixed it so it doesn't matter! I love your cabinets.