Friday, July 6, 2007

Fourth of July Fodder

So we had great fun on the Fourth of July... even with the crazy storm that rolled in. What a downpour!! Dad with the dogs I think is hilarious. You would think he'd be a big dog kinda guy but he loves the little ones too. Crowdin's not quite sure how to take everything. He hardly leaves our side for fear that we might run off and leave him like we did last least that's what it seems like to me. So Kim explained the whole Texas Hold'em poker game on her blog. What a hoot. Aren't all the Gideon pictures so cute. He's a little superstar.

We thought we'd make it to fireworks in Liberty since the rain blew over just in time for some good displays. Unfortunately our plans were completely waylaid when police set up a road block right off the road to Kim's office where we were going to watch them. Couldn't believe they wouldn't let us in. They said the Lots were all full but they weren't talking about her work parking lot, they were talking about down the road further to the arena where they were shooting off the fire works. We tried to talk our way in but to no avail. So we kept on driving until we found ourselves all the way back home.
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Aidenator said...

What's with fodder and waylaid?! Are those even words...Who comes up with this stuff? I love the texas hold 'em pics...Wish I was there...

BJ Scott said...

Where, oh where, has my little sis gone? Oh where, oh where, can she be? I miss you already. We had so much fun! Check out my blog for some updates. Love you much and miss you more.

BJ Scott said...

Okay... Little Sister... Where are you? I need to see some new photos. I miss your sweet face. I am so blessed and truly grateful to have four such wonderful sisters to love and who love me. I wish we were all closer and we NEED to all get together.