Friday, July 20, 2007

Nephi Canyon Fire, July 19, 2007

This is the fire burning in Nephi Canyon right as I type. Yesterday, while DeDe and I were at the Old Pinery for girl's camp with our ward and stake, we were evacuated when the fire jumped from the north side of the canyon road to the south. When we got back to Nephi we found that we weren't any further away from the fire but more out of harms way. We are located almost exactly where the center picture is taken. The one to the left of it is just up the road from us. If you follow the road in that picture all the way to its end that you can see...that's how close our home is to the fire. Our house was so full of smoke last night...I didn't know if we needed to evaquate just for the sake of smoke inhalation alone. Our beautiful KOA campground...prettier than any campground Joey and I have seen all across the United States...has been destroyed. The house at the top is our friend Dr. Oveson's. It has been saved so has the Ockey's who live next to and own the KOA. To see more pictures go to and click on the lead article Dozens of People Evacuated from San Pete County Due to Wildfire
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1 comment:

BJ Scott said...

Okay... so that is way scary... I'm glad it didn't get any closer to your house than it did. I am sure all that smoke is not good for you or Charlie or anyone for that matter. Isn't it sad that things like fire and ice storms that photograph so beautifully are ultimately so destructive. Great photos though.